Jez Deleroen at The MusicianDate: Wed 20th Jan Time: 20:00 Wed 20th Jan 2016 Jaz Delorean (from Tankus The Henge) £7.00adv £8.00door jazdelorean.com Roguish vagabond Jaz Delorean was raised on a travelling victorian steam fair (true!) which probably explains his Dickens-esque appearance and theatrical presence. A multi-instrumentalist Delorean excels wowing audiences with his piano, accordion, trombone. Jaz Delorean is an English singer, as well as performing and recording as a solo artist, he is the composer and singer for British band Tankus The Henge. Influenced by charismatic characters such as Jack Kerouac, Tom Waits and Edith Piaf, his music and lyrics often travel down the wistful, broken-hearted route, performed live with a mischievous glint in his eye and a roguish lopsided grin. The MusicianClyde StreetLeicester Leicestershire LE1 2DE (more) Would you like to see more information about The Musician? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. Jez Deleroen(more) Would you like to see more information about Jez Deleroen? Let us know here and we'll do our best to get them listed and inform you when they are. |